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New London, MN 56273

Flood Insurance

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Flood Insurance Provided By Lake Region Insurance

No matter how prepared you are, the weather has a nasty habit of turning your carefully-laid plans totally upside down. Floods can cause massive devastation to homes and communities and tremendous damage, which is expensive to repair. In some cases, families lose their possessions, their security, and their home all at once. It can take months to recover. 

Flood insurance is a great way to help keep you and your family protected. It offers coverage if flooding happens in your community and can be the difference between getting back on your feet and not. Your Lake Region agent can help you determine the right policy for your needs. We are happy to serve all of our Willmar, New London, and Cokato, MN neighbors.

Why Do I Need Flood Insurance?

Homeowners often overlook flood insurance, but there are crucial reasons to consider this type of policy.

You Probably Are Not Covered

Many people opt out of separate flood insurance, believing that they have coverage under their commercial or homeowners policy. This is not usually the case, however. Most of these policies have a clause to exclude flood damage. If you live in a high-risk area, it may be impossible to find typical home policies that protect against flood damage. A specific policy is essential.

While a homeowners insurance plan may cover flooding due to burst pipes or a dishwasher gone crazy, it generally does not provide coverage for Mother Nature’s style of flooding. Talk with one of our brokers today to make sure you have adequate protection.

It Provides A Financial Buffer For Your Belongings

Floods are not sentimental and will bear no regard for your most valuable or precious items. While insurance cannot replace memories, it can be critical in replacing items for your home or business. From electronics to appliances, furnishings to clothing, a sufficient policy will make sure you can restore your belongings after a flood. 

Again, do not assume that standard homeowners insurance covers your items. Many of these exclude damage caused by flooding, leaving you stranded when you need help the most.

It Secures A Roof Over Your Head

If a flood displaces you from your home, your priority will be finding somewhere safe to shelter and catch your breath. Emergency accommodation can be an expensive outlay at a stressful time. 

This is another reason to have a flood insurance policy ready to kick in. Most flood insurance options will pay for you to stay in emergency short-term accommodations if you must vacate your property due to flood damage. 

Floods Can Strike At Any Time

We tend to assume that we are safe if we do not live in a flood-prone area, but nature has a way of taking us by surprise. Rivers may overflow their banks, reservoirs can spring leaks, and you could find yourself underwater suddenly. 

In Minnesota, a fast thaw after significant snowfall can lead to all kinds of flooding problems. To avoid the risk, it is worth investing in sufficient flood coverage. 

We Have You Covered

Choosing the best flood coverage doesn’t have to be complicated even though there are a lot of considerations to bear in mind. Our Lake Region Insurance Agency team has a secret weapon: experience. 

Our experts work with you to find the best policy to give you and your family peace of mind, no matter the weather. Call today for a free insurance review to make sure you have precisely what you need.

Your Local Team

Ryan Schwartz

Ryan Schwartz

headshot of woman with light brown hair and green suit jacket

Jennifer Renstrom

headshot of woman with blonde hair and white shirt

Jill Lutgens

headshot of man in blue shirt with silver tie

Scott Johnson

headshot of woman with dark hair and black suit jacket

Shari Forsman