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New London, MN 56273

Mobile Manufactured Home Insurance

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Mobile Manufactured Home Insurance Provided By Lake Region Insurance

Choosing a manufactured home offers a significant number of perks to homeowners. These homes tend to be more affordable, more flexible, and allow greater freedom than traditional single-family homes. There is a sense of adventure which comes with a mobile or manufactured unit. To ensure that you can fully enjoy your home, you need to make sure you have adequate manufactured home insurance.

Mobile home insurance is an essential tool to protect you and your family in the event of a disaster. You need to have coverage for your home and assets, as well as liability protection. 

A small investment now could save you thousands in the future, so make sure you have the policy you need.

The Lake Region Insurance Agency can help you choose a policy that gives you the coverage you need. We are an independent brokerage, so we can offer plans from many different companies. This variety ensures you get what is best for your situation.

What Is Mobile Home Insurance?

As the name suggests, mobile home insurance is a specialized policy that can protect your property. Mobile homes come with their own risks and concerns that are different from those associated with traditional properties. 

  • Materials are lighter.
  • It may be movable.
  • It often uses ground anchors, rather than a concrete foundation.

These factors carry elements of risk, and a specific policy helps to ensure consistent coverage.

Why Do I Need Mobile Home Insurance?

There are a number of benefits to having a mobile home insurance policy:

  • Protect the structure – Damage to property is a valid concern for any homeowner, but mobile homes have their own set of risks. These structures are more prone to fire damage, which many traditional policies exclude. Dedicated mobile home insurance acknowledges this risk and can offer a financial buffer if your home sustains damage by fire. Damage from other natural disasters, such as strong winds, can also have coverage.
  • Protect your assets – Major purchases such as laptops, cameras, or phones are expensive to replace. Theft or damage to your belongings can cause a significant financial burden. Proper manufactured home insurance gives you the peace of mind you deserve.
  • Protect your liability – Accidents are an unfortunate part of life, but they could end up costing you a lot of money. If a visitor to your home suffers an accident, you may be liable for covering their medical bills. Legal bills could be an issue in this scenario, as well. To help protect your finances, make sure your policy covers accidental injury. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
  • Protect your security – If damage or theft renders your mobile home uninhabitable, a policy may pay for alternate housing. When you are in a stressful time, the last thing you need to worry about is where you will sleep at night.
  • Protect other structures – A manufactured home insurance policy also may cover other outbuildings on your property, such as a shed or garage. 

What To Do Next

Take care of your home by choosing a mobile home insurance policy. Reach out to one of our Lake Region Minnesota insurance offices for a free consultation. We are here to serve our friends and neighbors in Cokato, Willmar, and New London, MN. 

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