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51 Main Street S
New London, MN 56273

Motor Home RV Insurance

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Motor Home RV Insurance Provided By Lake Region Insurance

Recreational Vehicle ownership is a life-long dream for many Minnesotans. When you purchase your dream RV or motorhome, you may suddenly have visions of exploring back roads and state parks from one end of the country to the other. 

You can’t wait to spend each vacation in your new home on wheels. Or, maybe you’ve dreamed of selling your house and making every day an adventure on the wide-open road.

Imagine how quickly your vision of freedom could come to a screeching halt without the proper motorhome insurance in place. With such a sizable purchase, you must have an adequate insurance policy to protect your plans for travel, vacations, and carefree exploration. 

Stop in at any Lake Region Insurance Agency office for an independent and comprehensive review of your coverage. We will help ensure your peace of mind the next time you pack up the motorhome for an adventure.

How Should I Insure My RV?

As with any insurance policy, you have a range of choices when it comes to motorhome or RV insurance. 

It’s crucial to evaluate your intended use for the RV as well as your budget as you decide the coverage you’ll carry. Consider the following:

  • How often will you take your RV on the road, and where will you travel? Will you have the vehicle in the woods or near a lake? Will there be area wildlife to think about?
  • Where will you park your RV when it is not in use? What type of weather will your vehicle endure when not in use?
  • What is the safety and security of your “parked” location?
  • What size deductible will you require on your policy?
  • Will you want to cover theft, vehicle damage from weather or other natural disasters, or other contingencies?

Your responses to these questions help you and your Lake Region Insurance Agent land on the perfect policy to fit your needs.

An RV Is Not an Automobile

Some owners mistakenly think that their auto insurance policy will cover their motorhome. But you actually need a policy that is specific to an RV so that you know you have proper coverage. Although they travel the road, motorhomes do not get the same consideration that passenger vehicles do when it comes to insurance.

You may also want additional coverage for emergency towing, full vehicle replacement, and campsite liability. Further, if your RV is your primary residence, you may want to consider purchasing a “full-timer” policy. 

This coverage functions more like a homeowners insurance policy. It will assist with medical expenses if you’re ever injured while working in, on, or around your motorhome.

Come See Us Today

At Lake Region Insurance Agency, we’ll help you understand all your available coverage choices. You will be ready to make the best decision for your RV use. As an independent agency, we offer a wide range of options from many companies. 

Come in to see us at one of our Greater Minnesota offices for a free quote and take advantage of our experience and expertise. Our customers are also our neighbors, and our priority is ensuring that you have an insurance agent who’s on your side.

Your Local Team

Ryan Schwartz

Ryan Schwartz

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Jennifer Renstrom

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Jill Lutgens

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Scott Johnson

headshot of woman with dark hair and black suit jacket

Shari Forsman